Aura Family Doctors are looking for doctors to join our team! If you want the freedom to practice medicine in a brand new medical centre, with state of the art equipment with an experienced team, contact us on the form below and one of our Directors will be in touch.

As a doctor owned private billing practice we pride ourselves on providing excellent patient care, with low wait times, and supportive, team based approach to modern medicine.

We believe in flexibility in General Practice and encourage healthy work/life balances.

We are not a corporate medical centre and offer clinical autonomy for our doctors.

Doctor’s Facilities

We have an amazing clinical team with access to the best support staff, latest equipment and a brand new, custom built, state of the art practice.

  • Spacious air-conditioned doctor’s rooms- full of natural light & views
  • Well appointed treatment room for ECG’s, spirometry, chronic disease management support.
  • Part of a brand new stylish shopping centre
  • Aura is Australia’s fastest growing suburb
  • Flexible working arrangements.
  • Excellent remuneration.


We offer full support so your day runs as smoothly as possible. Our team includes:

  • Full time nursing support
  • Experienced APGAL accredited management
  • Allied health, Dentist & Pharmacy onsite
  • Pathology onsite

We are currently adding several other allied health services so that you can offer your patients a full spectrum of care. Our current doctors are very experienced,  and have practiced all over the world, and are always available to provide help & guidance if required.

For more information on Doctor opportunities & a chat with one of our Directors, leave us some contact details and we will get in touch 

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